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Procedure for new connection

Procedure for new connection.

(1) Every distributor of television channels at the time of providing connection to a consumer, shall inform him about complete details of services, including but not limited to, maximum retail price per month and distributor retail price per month of a-la-carte channels or bouquets, network capacity fee per month and the price of customer premises equipment, security deposit, rental amount, guarantee/warrantee, maintenance provisions and ownership of customer premises equipment, as may be applicable.

(2) Every distributor of television channels shall provide broadcasting services related to television to the consumer upon obtaining duly filled Consumer Application Form (Schedule- I) and provide a copy of the same to the consumer.

(3) Every distributor of television channels, shall, by using the subscriber management system, assign a unique identification number to every subscriber which shall be communicated to the subscriber through Short Message Service (SMS) to the registered mobile number of the subscriber and other means of communication such as email, b-mail, monthly bill or payment receipt as may be deemed appropriate.

(4) The distributor of television channels shall activate broadcasting services related to television to the subscriber only after the details of Consumer Application Form of such subscriber have been entered into the subscriber management system:

(5) The distributor of television channels shall activate broadcasting services related to television to the subscriber only after the details of Consumer Application Form of such subscriber have been entered into the subscriber management system:

Provided that the charges for broadcasting services related to television shall be payable by the subscriber from the date of activation of such services.

(6) A distributor of television channels may charge an amount not exceeding rupees three hundred and fifty as a one-time installation charge for installation of a new connection for providing the broadcasting services related to television.

(7) A distributor of television channels may charge an amount not exceeding rupees one hundred as a one-time activation charge for activating the broadcasting services related to television.